
My New Blogging Home

Hello 2018!


The start of the year marks another new start for me: a new blogging home!


Scribbling my journey through life has been what my previous blog, Baby Neo’s Mama, is all about.  I intend this new blog to be the same but more focused on what I love most: motherhood and traveling.   So, without further ado, please welcome me on my new home: WanderfulMom!


– Nerisa 🙂


33 thoughts on “My New Blogging Home

  1. Congrats on your new blog. I started with WordPress too and for the past two years, I’ve been contemplating if I will go back. Nasanay na rin kasi ko sa blogspot and I’m not sure if I can transfer everything.

  2. Congratulations on your new blog. Surely this virtual home will be filled wirh beautiful stories and nice memories. I remember I have a wanderful subheading in all my travel post before in my recreated my blog.

  3. Congrats! 🙂 I was with Blogger to prior to transferring to WordPress. I never looked back. 🙂 You’ll get used to it. I love WordPress. 🙂

  4. Congratulations! I also made the proverbial jump a couple of years ago, too, when I felt like my old blog wasn’t “me” anymore. I look forward to seeing more posts in here!

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